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Hendersonville, United States

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Launch of Maggie Moo Designs...

So after a lot of talking, praying, talking and praying some more, I have decided to launch my own design logo for my custom items that I sew. I have LOVED making items for friends, family members, etc. over the past couple of months.

It has been a WONDERFUL way for me to release some stress, especially after Josh got sick.

Ms. Maggie has been such an inspiration to me and I love being able to go buy a yard of fabric and make something unique for her.
Above you will find my new logo that my ever so crafty husband made for me. If you know me, you know that I have a complete obsession with birds...I always think of Maggie as my little birdie...that is where the love began.

I plan to specialize in custom unique clothing and baby accessories. I want to do custom work for others to give as a gifts or keep for their little sweetie. My goal is to stay at home this summer and sew full-time. It would be awesome!

I have created a seperate BLOG for my line. You can find it here...

I would love for you to check it out often. I plan to post items that I have made for Maggie, for others, and for custom orders.

I am happy to create something for you. I am happy to work within your budget and with your ideas with a touch of me, of course.
I like funky and fun...that is what children are all about!

I thank you for your support for this project. I am happy to be doing something that I love for others that will love it as if you want to order, purchase, or chat...let me know! I would love to hear from all of you!

Thank you again for loving me and my family!


Heather said...

Hey girl, my friend is having a baby girl the end of March. How much would you charge for a small taggie blanket?

Anonymous said...

Alie - LOVE IT! You are making some really sweet things and I hope you can make a whole bunch of stuff this summer. I love the dress you made Mags that cross-crosses in the back. I wonder if that could be made in a 2T? And something sweet for baby brother to match maybe? Think about it - would totally let you make two little outfits for my kiddos this summer. Wow, I have "kiddos." Love you.