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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Maggie Moo turns 4 = SHOTS!

This sweet girl turned FOUR, yes 4, on July 24th. Where has time gone? I mean I swear she was just eating from a bottle and cuddling Bunny in her crib to fall asleep like yesterday! Well, not so much. Ready or not...she is growing up!

We had a wonderful party at our home on her actual birthday but then we had to go for her annual birthday check-up. Mommy forgot that Dr. Keith is BOOKED like weeks ahead for those kinds of things so we ended up seeing another Dr. that we equally love on August 5th at 3:00 pm.

I truly believe that Maggie wasn't scared or nervous because she plays Dr. at home ALL THE TIME. Trust me, if you sit in the living room very long, you will eventually become "sick" with something and she will get out her sweet little blue and tan dr. kit that JuJu got her and go to work. She even says "take a deep breathe...again...again" is quite cute.

She was ready and excited about her hearing test. She aced it last year and so she was comfortable with what she needed to do. I love these pictures. She is so serious and still sometimes...sometimes!

Probably her most favorite thing to do at the dr. is to read ALL the books they have stocked in the rooms. Now, I need to be honest and say that when I have to go to the dr. with the kiddos, I am a SUPER DUPER germ freak! I can't help it. Between Josh and I teaching and bringing home all the germs that we do, I just don't want to introduce anything new. But...she wants to read...all. the. books. How can I say no?

This was the last picture I captured of her before the SHOTS came through the door. O yes, three huge shots in her upper arms. She was not a happy camper. She did great the first two shots in her left arm, then the MMR shot in her left - that was all she could stand. She cried for the next 35 minutes. Alligator tears! Tore me up inside. I wanted to take the shots for her!

She was a sweet birdie while at the dr. and even while I asked to weigh Baden, she held his hand and promised it wouldn't hurt...

I love this sweet child. truly.

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