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Hendersonville, United States

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Maggie Moo...

Just in case you didn't make it over to Josh's Photography Blog, I wanted to post some more of Maggie's 9 month pictures. She is just a true beauty and it is impossible to describe how much we love her!

My Maggie...Little Stinker...

Maggie has about $400 dollars worth (Holland exaggeration, of course!) of nice toys...what does she always want to play with?

The TRASH CAN and the trash that is in it!

Does anyone else have this problem?

Monday, April 21, 2008

My Sweet Maggie Moo is 9 Months Old...

Words can not describe how much this little girl means to me. I can't believe that this week she will be 9 months old.

Josh and I started to get her 9 month pictures going this weekend. This is just first picture of a ton of beautiful ones. YOU MUST check out Josh's Photography Blog for the others. They are just beautiful. I just love Josh's work.
Leave a comment and let us know what you think!


Happy 9 months Maggie Moo...I love you!